Saturday, February 1, 2014


So in my last blog, I had posted a website that mentioned how there are "expectations" to being female and male.  These "expectations" are believed to be one of the reasons Gender Roles are an issue. This video, from the TV show What would you do?, shows an example of how the expectations effect our society.  You will see a little boy trying on a girly costume and a girl trying on a boyish costume.  The mom's job is trying to discourage the child from wearing the costume.  When you watch the video you will see how other people will respond to the child's behavior. 

In class we talked a lot about Culture.  The difference between Culture Relativism and Ethnocentrism is that in Culture Relativism, we see people trying to appreciate another group, culture or way of life.  However in Ethnocentrism, it is hard to look at another viewpoint and people think their culture does a better job in doing things.   Let's say we split our own culture into two different groups.  One group has gender roles with expectations and one doesn't.  Most likely we would see more of Ethnocentrism.  

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