Monday, March 31, 2014

                                                      Suggested Research Method

For Semester 2, I have to do the Applied Research part of my project.  My plan is to use the survey research method.  I chose the survey method because I feel as though I can help people through my survey get a better sense as to what Gender Development is.  In some parts of the survey, I plan on including true or false questions to test people's knowledge about Gender Development.  The rest will be other questions to discover people's feelings on the topic.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Months ago (before this blog), I didn't have a clear understanding about what Childhood Development was.  After watching videos and reading articles, I was fascinated with all the information I discovered.  We don't always know it but when we teach or raise a baby to behavior in a certain manner, we are enforcing them to act the way we think is acceptable or not for our society.  There is a lot in our society that influences children to act as a boy or a girl.  Also, with parents there is a lot of pressure with this issue.    "Do I give my boy a doll because he keeps pulling my hair?" "Can my daughter not play football because it's too boyish?"

I have learned that by age two, most children are fully aware of their gender.  I have also learned that by giving a child a certain toy or type of clothing, we are right then and there teaching them what gender they are.  There is pressure from not only parents and peers, but also from society.  Society has norms that define manly/womanlike characteristics.    

As a conclusion for this blog, I have gained a lot of knowledge and a more clearer understanding about what Childhood Development really is.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

# 7

So going off of my last post, something to think about is how Gender Developments and Gender Roles all start.  The whole not knowing which gender baby Storm was, was a direct result of the parents decision.  This new article I found, Why are Parents So Important in the Gender Socialization Process, talks about how big of a role parents play in the child development process.  Although in the future it is said that the media can overpower the parent's influence, it is the parents the child is first exposed to.  The parents are in charge of teaching the child manners, buying the child cloths/toys and later on letting the child participate in a certain activity.  Which type of clothing do I buy for my child?  Do I tell my daughter that she can't play on the football team because it's better for her to try ballet?  Do I let my son have a tea party?

Society and the social norms of a society are the second factor that influence children.  For a long time the social norm for distinguishing a boy from a girl was a color. The expected color for a girl was pink and the color for a boy was blue.  So today if you saw a baby wearing a pink outfit, you are automatically going to assume that the baby is a girl.  In class we discussed the idea behind Deviance.  Deviance is violating a social norm.  In this case an example would be boys wearing dresses.  Also in class we discussed that without norms, we would experience Social Chaos.  Yet would it really be chaotic if girls wore the color blue.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


This article is about a baby named Storm.  Storm was born in 2011 in Toronto, Canada.  When Storm was born, Storm's parents would't say whether Storm was a boy or a girl.  Only a few people know about Storm's gender but the parents didn't want Storm to be exposed to the gender messages/roles.   The parents want Storm to share his/her gender when the time is right.  Storm wanted to be a monster for Halloween in order to roar.  Some people are saying this is child abuse and that Storm's parents are using Storm as an experiment.  Storm has also been known to say "I am a girl" or "I am a boy" at different times.

Looking at this story with Storm there are a lot of things to consider.  In class we learned that Gender means what society considers appropriate for males and females.  On one side we could argue that in order to shelter Storm from these "expectations", pressures and stereotypes society has, Storm's parents tried something new in order to give their child a choice.  Yet on the other side we could view this as now confusing and making Storm uncomfortable.  While Storm's friends grow up already aware of what gender they are, Storm has to figure out what gender he/she is.

This is the link to the article: