Sunday, March 16, 2014


Months ago (before this blog), I didn't have a clear understanding about what Childhood Development was.  After watching videos and reading articles, I was fascinated with all the information I discovered.  We don't always know it but when we teach or raise a baby to behavior in a certain manner, we are enforcing them to act the way we think is acceptable or not for our society.  There is a lot in our society that influences children to act as a boy or a girl.  Also, with parents there is a lot of pressure with this issue.    "Do I give my boy a doll because he keeps pulling my hair?" "Can my daughter not play football because it's too boyish?"

I have learned that by age two, most children are fully aware of their gender.  I have also learned that by giving a child a certain toy or type of clothing, we are right then and there teaching them what gender they are.  There is pressure from not only parents and peers, but also from society.  Society has norms that define manly/womanlike characteristics.    

As a conclusion for this blog, I have gained a lot of knowledge and a more clearer understanding about what Childhood Development really is.

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