Sunday, April 27, 2014

                                                             Final Summary/Reaction 

     I felt as though my project was successful.  After posting my survey, I received a total of 15 responses.  In the true or false questions, the correct answer for both questions one and two were true.  It is true that by age two, most children know for sure what sex they are.  It is also true that parents play a large role in the gender development process.  10 out of 15 people got the first question right and 12 out of 15 got the second question right.  I was excited to see so many people getting the first two questions right because it showed how aware these people were about my topic.  The last true or false question's correct answer was false.  Gender Socialization starts even before the baby is born.  5 out of 15 people go the last question right. Although a lot of people didn't get the last question right, I knew that my topic isn't as well known as the other topics.  

     The results to the question whether or not the person felt that boys and girls can be both feminine and masculine also surprised me.  4 out of 15 said that we should teach boys to be masculine and girls to be feminine.  The rest of the people said that we shouldn't teach our children how to be boys or girls.  I didn't think a lot of people would think that boys could be feminine and girls could be masculine because of the many stereotypes out there.  7 out of 15 said that they would let their son dress up as a princess for Halloween.  12 out of 15 said that they would let their daughter dress up as a super hero or zombie for Halloween.  I expected these results because I feel as though it is harder to let the boy be feminine than it is for the girl to be masculine.

     Overall, I feel as though I picked the right topic. Researching about this topic not only helped me understand more about it but also got me more aware about it.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

                                                      Revised Summary /Plan/Update

I posted my survey on Facebook and in 2 minutes already got two responses.  I posted it on my timeline to try to get adults to respond and posted it in my class page to get people my age to respond.  So far in my results, people are getting some true or false questions correct.  Also a lot of people say that if they saw something out of the ordinary they would be disturbed but not say anything.  My hypothesis is right so far.  Most people are going to be my age in responding to my survey.  I think I'm seeing the results I'm seeing because this is not an easy topic for some people to discuss.  With society consisting of certain norms, it either brings people to have new perspective on things or stick with what they believe is right

Sunday, April 6, 2014

                                                             Strategy/ Plan for Research

     For the 2nd Part of my Research I intend on creating an online survey.  I will be creating this online survey by making a Google Doc.  I will also send this survey out through email.  My participants will consist of both genders, my age group to parents age group and of all social classes.  My Hypothesis is that most people in my age group will be more aware with what Gender Development consists of.  I feel as though most people in my age group will differ a lot with answers of a parents age group.